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6 Tips for Finding Developer Jobs During COVID-19

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Tips for Finding Developer Jobs

Tips for Finding Developer Jobs

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about challenges that no one had anticipated. Almost every aspect of life has been affected.

A lot of companies have been forced to scale down their operations while others have completely shut down. As such, finding a job during this period may be a challenge compared to any other time.

Nonetheless, some sectors of the economy are taking advantage of the pandemic and growing even larger. One such area is the Information Technology sector. This is because there has been an increase in the uptake of technology, especially communication apps.

This means developers have an added advantage when it comes to seeking job opportunities. Various IT companies are looking for more developers to meet the demand for their services. You however need to do a number of things to increase your chances of being recruited.

Below are some of the tips for finding a developer job during this pandemic:

1. Update your Resume

Your resume plays a very big role in marketing your skills. Despite the fact that it’s a simple document, your resume should be able to showcase your skills, trace the route of your career, and show the  direction that you want to go.

Try to marry what the employer is looking for with your skills and experience. You should also highlight some of the accomplishments you have made – to demonstrate the value that you will bring to the organization.

If you have earned any certifications in the course of your career, then ensure to include them to boost your chances. After that proofread and get rid of any grammatical errors.

2. Craft a Memorable Cover Letter

Although most employers may not ask for a cover letter, they can be effective in helping you to frame the story of your career and connect with what the employer wants. Take advantage of the cover letter to narrate your story about your career in a way that will captivate the employer.

It doesn’t matter whether it is written or through a virtual interview, your objective should be to back up your resume with a personal touch. Research on different ways of convincing employers through presentations.

3. Consider Working on a Part-time or Temporary Basis

Many companies have laid off or furloughed their employees, because of financial constraints. This is because of the reductions in customers and social distancing rules. As such, some employers are changing their employment terms.

If you have been laid or furloughed, make lemon out of lemonade. Instead of sitting idle and expecting a miracle to happen, go out, and explore other opportunities. There are many companies that now hire employees according to demand. If you are from Houston, for example, and you are an app developer, you can do a simple Google Search for companies that hire Houston app developers. Other app development companies also specify if they have projects in the area. You can the careers pages of these app development companies: https://topflightapps.com/app-developers-houston/

4. Try Different Options

It is good to keep an open mind when applying for jobs during this pandemic. Don’t have a fixed mindset when looking for jobs. For instance, if you are a programmer, don’t insist on serving in that position. You can also take up the post of a technical adviser in a small or medium-sized IT company.

5. Improve your Employability

There are many developers out there looking for jobs. The question is what sets you apart from them? When several of you apply for the same position in a company, what will make the employer choose you over the others?

Take advantage of the free time you have to learn and improve your IT skills. You can enroll in online courses and get certification that can help improve your resume. There are many professional online companies that provide free coding courses such as edX and CodeAcademy.

In a nutshell, finding a job during this pandemic might be a little bit tricky. However, there are certain tips you can find to increase your chances of getting a developer job.


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