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Top Futuristic Ways To Improve eCommerce Platforms That You Can Start

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To Improve eCommerce Platforms

eCommerce business is on the rise at an alarming astonishing rate. There was a time when the audience avoids eCommerce platforms due to quality and trust issues. But with the advent of technology, eCommerce platforms have so transformed themselves that now the audience trusts them more than physical platforms.

This all happens due to the introduction of advanced mobile technology, Push notifications in the form of WordPress push notifications, AI chatbots, and so on. These days WooCommerce push notifications have made online shopping so easy that a person is motivated to go for a purchase. WooCommerce email customizer plugin helps you make the most of that opportunity. It gives you professionally designed templates

One thing to consider here is, this is just a beginning. eCommerce platforms are moving towards a huge change. To increase your awareness, we brought to you top futuristic ways to improve eCommerce platforms that you can start.

Progressive Web Apps:

When it comes to eCommerce and mobile commerce comes in mind. The ease of shopping from mobile has so transformed the user experience that mobile shopping can’t be neglected anymore.

The introduction of progressive web apps further simplified things. It provides customers with a seamless opportunity to interact with a brand. Customers can interact with a brand in the way they want, and at the time of their choice.

This can be better understood by an example of an online visit to a furniture gallery. In this, a customer can enjoy the in-store experience, mobile experience, and online experience at a single platform through a progressive web app.

In simple words, a customer is guided and nurtured from their visit to a store to the delivery. The experience is so powerful that you can’t ignore the fact that progressive web apps are the future of eCommerce.

Visual Search:

When it comes to teenagers, they love experimenting with different things. They want to be unique. They want to present themselves as trendy. Not only this but even the age group ranges from 21 to 40 has shown great enthusiasm for the same.

When it comes to choosing products, which options fit better than visual search? Image recognition is taking its final form. A lot of people from around the world have shown a great interest in visual search.

This means, in the upcoming time eCommerce platforms will be forced to make necessary changes. They will have to redesign their websites to support the visual search. It is going to be one of the biggest transformations in the eCommerce industry. This feature will allow customers to search the product easily and quickly. This is going to enhance the user experience.

visual search


Voice Search

If you are thinking that visual search is enough for enhancing user experience, you need to reconsider. Although we are in the early days of voice search, it is increasing at an alarming rate.

Most of the audience is busy with their daily tasks. As a result, they are having less time to search for the product that they are looking for. Moreover, there is a smaller audience that likes to type a long text.

To enhance user experience voice search is a good option to go with. It enhances the level of communication between a brand and a customer. It is easy to implement. The interesting thing about implementing a voice search is it increases sales to a massive level.

Currently, many eCommerce platforms are taking advantage of this feature and many are in a process to implement this. Voice search is going to be the future of eCommerce.

voice search

Push Notifications

When it comes to top futuristic ways to improve eCommerce platforms, how one can ignore push notifications. Push notifications provide you an ability to reach your users instantly. The ability to add rich media has taken the level of interaction with customers to new heights. You can add text, image, graphics, video, gifs, emojis, etc to push notifications.

When it comes to segmentation and personalization, there is no match to push notifications. The thing is, every individual is having its own likings and interests. This means you cannot sell a single item to all users. To counter this you can take the help of push notifications. Push notifications provide you an ability to send notifications on the base of gender, age, region, etc.

It also provides you an ability to use personalization. It means you can send automated and personalized push notifications to your audience. This will provide your customers with a unique experience on your platform by getting alerts on the basis of personal interest. You can take the help of WordPress-WooCommerce push notifications for the same.

AI Chatbots

Although many eCommerce platforms have already implemented this feature, still there are a lot that haven’t implemented yet. AI chatbots are basically automated programs that use Artificial Intelligence and machine learning to interact with customers.

These automated programs can easily stimulate conversation with humans. They answer specific queries and also execute tasks when required. They basically use Natural Language Processing (NLP) to understand queries, then they reply accordingly.

In the future, chatbots and virtual customer service agents are more likely to develop. The work is in progress to make them understand the emotional state of the audience. This means you can expect better quality results.

This means you need to get pressurized by queries that are being raised by the customers 24X7. Most of the queries will be automatically responded to by AI chatbots itself. So, it is a good choice to give a shot to your eCommerce platform by integrating AI chatbot.

         AI chatbot  


When it comes to improving services on your eCommerce platforms, a lot of options are available for the same. The advancement in technology has made the eCommerce business an easy ongoing process. The most important thing is, you need not be a technical expert to implement and use various futuristic services. Basic knowledge is enough to sail ahead swiftly. What only you need to do is make up your decision to implement them on an early basis.

Author Bio

Wonderpush provides you an ability to boost your eCommerce business. It provides you with push notifications in the form of WordPress-WooCommerce push notifications. These push notifications are capable enough to provide your customers with a unique shopping experience.


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